Safety Concerns regarding parking at Kateri School

Safety Concerns regarding parking at Kateri School
Posted on 10/06/2018

Over the past several weeks, there have been issues with parents entering the Technical Services parking lot to drop their children off to enter Kateri School. Please be advised that this is a MAJOR SAFETY CONCERN.

For the safety of all children, please be reminded that cars/trucks SHOULD NOT enter the Kateri School sitevia the bus lane nor the rear entrance (by the Technical Services parking lot) between 7:45am and 8:45am, and again between 1:45pm and 3:15pm.

Dropping children off in this area is UNSAFE due to the traffic of Tech Services employees entering to park, and the exiting of buses from Kateri School.

Over the past several weeks, there have been issues with parents entering the Technical Services parking lot to drop their children off to enter Kateri School. Please be advised that this is a MAJOR SAFETY CONCERN.

Please be advised that some parents have applied for permission from Kateri School to enter this area. Other than those parents, all other cars should enter the large parking lot following the arrows. You can drop your children off to enter via the opening in the stone wall, or park in the designated drop off parking spots facing the KEC (clearly indicated with signage).

Please be reminded:

  1. The MCK Technical Services Parking lot is for MCK staff and clients and does not belong to Kateri School.
  2. There are SAFE and established drop off / pick up points around the school (please see the map above).
  3. Accompanying your children to the front entrance of the school is welcome. However please park in the large lot by the cenotaph and walk your children in via the stone wall opening, This will ensure your children are not alone walking through the parking lot where Tech services traffic and exiting school buses are cause for great concern. Alternatively, children can be dropped off at the stop sign between the KYC and Tech services and walk to Kateri School using the PATH along the East side of the Alternative Dispute Resolution building. Other options are available on the map below.
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