2024/2025 School Year
On behalf of all the teachers and support staff, I would like to graciously welcome all the new and returning parents/guardians and students of Kateri School to the 2024-2025 school year. This is my second year as principal of Kateri School and we as a staff look to provide a school that is dedicated to providing quality education in three languages as well as ensuring that Tsi Niionkwarihò:ten is at the forefront of our teachings. We have an awesome staff that are ready and eager to start the year with students in the classrooms.
Partnering with parents and guardians to ensure that all the students have a productive and successful year is an important objective that we set for ourselves at Kateri School. When children receive all the support they need, they will have a sense of security and belonging and thrive, all the adults in their lives, parents/guardians, teachers, and the administrators will contribute to their well-being over the course of the next 10 months.
We want all students to be accepting of others, critical thinkers, active problem solvers, risk takers, environmentally conscious, have the ability to self-assess honestly, to give their best and take full advantage of the opportunity to have hands on cultural teachings, learn about their history and their language in their own community school.
I look forward to meeting and greeting all the parents at our Orientation days and to continue to build on that positivity that is a part of the beginning of each school year.
In peace and Friendship,
Kevin Gault
Principal, Kateri School